Some time ago I didn’t like Jenkins Pipelines at all. I preferred to concatenate Jenkins jobs by triggering one Job after the other in a job chain using the build triggers. Together with the Build Flow Plugin you get a good overview of the job chain. This workes like a charm and I like the approach. I know about the bugs and flaws of the Build Flow Plugin but I accept that. But then I updated my environment to Jenkins 2 and I came over the Pipelines again. I got curious and started reading about the Pipelines because I could use them instead of the Build Flow Plugin and use…
Puppet augeas and sudoers parameter lists
Today I had little problems with Puppet’s augeas. I tried hard to find some documentation helping me out but did not find anything suitable. So I think I’m not the only one facing that problem so I want to share what I did. I want to change the /etc/sudoers file on Linux system with Puppet. What I want to do is negate the requiretty default and add SSH_AUTH_SOCK to the env_keep list. My first problem was the requitetty setting. I tried a lot until I got a working solution. The problem was the value needed in the Puppet augeas set statement. I developed the following solution: augeas { „sudoers“: context…